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Mechanic Analysis

This is an assignment I worked on several months ago, where I provided examples of mechanics that were randomly selected for me. I realized I hadn't uploaded it, so I figured I'd do so before I start uploading my more current writings. Enjoy!


Mechanic 1 - Memorize/Recall

Potential Setups

  1. Memorizing the map layouts in FPS games

  2. Memorizing weapon placement in arena shooters

  3. Memorizing button combos

  4. Memorizing passwords in older games with no saves

  5. Memorizing cheat codes

  6. Memorizing cards/tiles that are only flipped over and need matched

  7. Memorizing shortcuts in kart racers

  8. Memorizing what ingredients/components combine to form other items

  9. Recalling what killed you previously so that you can watch out for it next time

  10. Recalling the solutions to similar puzzles encountered previously

  11. Recalling the answers to trivia questions


1 - Mega Man X (Capcom, 1993)

Description - In this example, players can continue from the last place they left off by entering a password. These passwords are given to them at the end of stages, or when they get a game over.

2 - Super Mario Bros 3 (Nintendo, 1988)

Description - In this example, the player must match two tiles by flipping them over. If they are incorrect, the tiles are flipped back face down. They get two chances each time they find this mini-game, and the tiles will remain the same the next time they find this mini-game. This means that they must memorize the tile placement in order to win, rewarding players with the items on the matching tiles.

3 - Street Fighter II (Capcom, 1991)

Description - In this example, the character will perform moves when the player presses a button combo that they memorized. This allows them to use stronger and more advanced attacks.

Flow Chart

Mario Matching Mini-Game

Mechanic 2 - Consume

Potential Setups

  1. Using potions in RPGs

  2. Taking damage and losing health points

  3. Spending money/currency

  4. Using up a weapon or armor’s durability

  5. Sacrificing pawns

  6. Using a spell that requires mana

  7. Depleting stamina by running

  8. Using crafting materials

  9. Playing cards from your hand

  10. Assigning skill points


1 - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo, 2004)

Description - In this example, players assign a skill point to one of three categories when Mario levels up. Doing so is permanent, and the skill point can not be re-used.

2 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo, 2017)

Description - In this example, Link’s weapons will lose durability each time they are used to hit an enemy. Once it’s durability is fully depleted, the weapon breaks.

3 - Final Fantasy (Square, 1987)

Description - In this example, the player spends their currency buying equipment.

Flow Chart

Paper Mario, Spending Stat Points


Arlo (Director). (2017, March 11). In Defense of Breath of the Wild's Brittle Weapons [Video file]. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from

Hanson, A., & Avidan, D. (Directors). (2016, December 17). Paper Mario TTYD: Right in the Giblets - PART 10 - Game Grumps [Video file]. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from

Play Retro Games. (n.d.). Retrieved July 16, 2017, from

Screenshots of Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man X, and Final Fantasy.

BurningAegis. (Director). (2014, January 4). Street Fighter II (SNES) - Ryu (Hadoken only)[Video file]. Retrieved July 16, 2017, from

Street Fighter IV Fight Pad Action Voice Key Chain (n.d.). Retrieved July 16, 2017, from

Screenshot of the Street Fighter button combo.

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