This is a new take on the classic game Missile Command. How long can you last?!
See below for more information.
Command Station

This game was designed by myself and three fellow classmates. The intention was to replicate the game Missile Command, and prototype new features to incorporate into it. These include new enemies, new forms of attack, and cities that generate shields and extra ammunition.
During week one of the project, I worked to recreate some of the old game's basic elements, such as cities that act as the player's life counter, the loss condition of losing all of those cities, and randomly spawning missiles that home in on random cities (splitting upon being fired at).
In week two, I worked with Maylenne to prototype and script new enemies, and hook them all up to a progressive difficulty system. I primarily worked on the magnet enemy, which would redirect player missiles towards itself, and helped Maylenne with the enemies she was working on. I also worked with Joseph on prototyping and scripting new abilities. I primarily worked on shield cities that could deploy a shield which absorbs damage for a brief amount of time before needing to be recharged. I also helped Joseph work on a toggle-able repair ability for cities.
Finally, I used the third week to polish some of the new mechanics we implemented. I improved the targeting abilities of the Strong Enemy, added leaderboards, set up particle systems to provide more player feedback on city/base health, and set up the trail renderers for player missiles so that they match the enemy missiles.