Discussion - Function of Myth

For this discussion, I decided to write about the cosmological function of myth. An example of this function can be seen in the classic video game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, released on November 21 of 1998. The game features a hero (Link) who goes on a quest to save the land of Hyrule from the evil desert king (Ganondorf). Ganondorf’s plan is to steal the power of the Triforce, a legendary item created by three goddesses when they created Hyrule. It is through these three goddesses and their creation of Hyrule that that the cosmological function of myth can be observed.
The goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore are creator figures who act as this game’s Supreme Beings. Before the beginning of time, they descend upon the void to create land, order, and life out of nothingness. At the point where they returned to the heavens, they left the sacred gift of the Triforce. This event is the creation myth of this game’s lore, explaining the origin of the world, and all that populates it. But the goddesses are also responsible for choosing a hero in Hyrules’ times of need, thus giving Link a purpose and setting him on his journey.
It is clear that these events give structure and meaning to this game’s world. They are the establishing point of the rules of time, geology, and biology. They also tell of how the world was created, and what purpose the main protagonist has in the story. Additionally, the events are spoken of objectively, suggesting that they actually happened and aren’t just religious tales. All of these elements are the key principles of the cosmological function of myth, and they come together to demonstrates that function in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.